Sunday, 1 September 2013

Over a thousand page views!

It occurred to me while listening yet another scintillating sermon from The Minister that I should find out if anyone is reading my Bonhoeffer in the City blog! Well, wasn't I in for a surprise...

It would appear over a thousand people have viewed this blog! The actual figure is 1,147! Quite frankly, I'm astounded! 

When I started this blog, I hadn't thought about stats and how many people would read about the adventures of Matt the Elder. At the very least I thought a couple of hundered hits during the first year.

However, I am delighted that so many people are reading it. It's interesting to see the most viewed pages. Here are the top three:

3, My First Elder's Meeting: part 2

2, City Church... Comforting your buttocks...

1, "A delicious play on words, Minister!"

Anyway, thank for reading this blog. It's as much about my being an elder as it is about sharing what a brilliant place City Church is!

Please do pay us a visit at City Church. You would be most welcome. And who knows, you may even get to meet the author of this blog!

Wish best wishes,
Matt the Elder