Matt the Swinger |
12 months later and here I am writing about being an elder over the past year. So, how has it been? Was it everything I expected? Has it lived up to my expectations? Have I lived up to their expectations?
The last question is the easiest for me to answer. I can't honestly say I have contributed a great deal. I've missed a number of meeting through illness and work (I travel quite a lot with my job) and during meetings I rarely feel as if I have much to say. Much of the items at the elder's meetings require agreement and some discussion. The ongoing debate about the changes to the current refectory into a modern church cafe is finally developing and I feel strongly that pushing ahead with this is the right thing to do. Some disagree. I feel frustrated that it's developing slower than I anticipated but I am hopeful that things will continue to develop apace. Overall, monthly meetings with the elders is quite enjoyable.
I've also yet to really get to know everyone on my pastoral list. Most of the people on my list are elders who I see regularly or follow on Facebook and Twitter. I suppose that's a contemporary way of keeping up to date with church members!
Being and elder is no walk in the park. It requires commitment and dedication. I am constantly amazed at how hard working the elders are. They work incredibly hard to keep the church going and to keep everyone engaged in the life of City Church. Soup Lunches... Easter and Christmas events... open and closing the church - none of these would happen without the support of the elders. I'm in awe at how hard they all work. I feel sure I don't come close to contributing as much as the rest of the team do!
In many ways being an elder has exceeded my expectations.I feel closer to the life of City Church and I feel privileged to be part of running a church. I think The Minister is pretty awesome and a great leader. Honestly, I am constantly amazed at how good his services are! A lot of effort goes into engaging the congregation. It can't be an easy gig!
A year ago I decided to start this blog to document life as an elder and give a glimpse into City Church community. I enjoy writing it and I hope others enjoy reading it. I certainly wouldn't have started this blog if I hadn't become an elder. I do hope this blog has been a worthy - and welcome - contribution to City Church.
Looking ahead, I hope to contribute more in meetings and to be a lot more available for elder duties. Having said that I have just swapped two duties in June as I'm away at various events. Whoops! I will also do my very best to update this blog every week. It's been sporadic over the last few months.
I'm happy to hear back from City Church members and elders - how do you think I've done? Be kind, yeah?!
Until next time.
Best wishes
Matt the Elder