Tuesday, 25 March 2014

A warm welcome from Lumen URC

A warm welcome from Lumen URC

The name's Elder. Matt the Elder. 
I've just returned from a wonderful weekend in London to celebrate the Big Fella's birthday (my OH). We managed to see Stephen Ward, the new Andrew Lloyd Weber musical (loved it), From Here To Eternity, Tim Rice's new musical (loved it also), Ghost Stories (scary) and an off-beat musical called UrineTown (hilarious)! We also managed to squeeze in a visit to Bond in Motion, the cars of 007 at London Film Museum. I was in 007 heaven!

Whenever I'm away on a Sunday I like to seek out a local United Reformed Church and attend a service. A quick Google search pointed me towards Lumen URC in Bloomsbury.

Lumen URC, Bloomsbury, London
Wow! What a delightful space. I was really impressed with the fresh and modern feel to the building! I loved the use of glass at the front of the church so that you could see in - very welcoming. The guy who greeted me at the door was very helpful and explained where the church entrance was and pointed me in the direction of the two people handing out orders of service and hymn books. Both of whom were also friendly and seemed pleased to welcome a visitor. 

The service was a bit different from what I'm used to at City Church. Notices were read. One reading given (delivered by two enthusiastic members), sermon received (all about how Jesus breaks down barriers) and Communion taken. Bread was broken and served to us as we sat and Wine was taken from a shared cup and served by an elder. At City Church we always have Family Time where the Minister talks to junior church about today's readings and what that means for us today. Communion wine is served individually from small glasses

The Minister recognised me, and I him, but neither of us could remember where we met before! I wish I had time to stay for a coffee at their wonderful cafe but I had tickets to see a show and a lunch date to keep. From what I saw of their cafe looked hugely inviting. Free WiFi, breakfast, lunch and snacks served in a large open space. A perfect spot to escape the hustle and bustle of the busy streets. I will definitely stop by next time I'm in the area. There is also an art gallery and meeting rooms - quite a busy venue from what I could tell!

The cafe, the building and the people really embodied an open and welcoming ethos. I am so pleased I attended and I'll definitely be returning when I'm next in the area.

Until next time.

With best wishes,
Matt the Elder

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

What are you reading during Lent?

What are you reading during Lent?

My reading for Lent
I love Lent. It's my absolute favourite time of the year. I prefer Lent and Easter to Advent and Christmas. There's no stress involved; rather the opposite. Lent is a time for reflection, contemplation and giving up alcohol... well, for me anyway! It's Week Three and so far I am not craving a splash of the good stuff! 

In fact, I'm doing extremely well! Could this be the year I stop drinking altogether? I doubt it... I love a Vesper Martini and a drop of Chianti. But this could be there year that I seriously limit and reduce my alcohol intake!

But I digress. What I really wanted to know was what are you all reading during Lent? I always choose a suitable religious book to focus my mind and this year I decided to re-read Easter by Michael Arditti. It's a wonderful novel set in the fictional parish of St Mary-in-the-Vale during Holy Week. Arditti's novel explores what it means to be Christian for ordinary church goers in a society dominated by consumerism, suffering and cynicism. 

The parish of St Mary-in-the-Vale, Hampstead, is preparing for Easter. In his Palm Sunday sermon, the Vicar explains that Christ's crucifixion and redemption are taking place every day. He little suspects that, before the week is out, he and his entire congregation will be caught up in a latter-day Passion story which will tear apart their lives.

Doesn't it sound great? I'll write a fuller review once I've finished it.

So, what are you reading this Lent? Have your read Easter? if so, what did you think of it?

Until next time.

With best wishes
Matt the Elder

Sunday, 16 March 2014

"You look like you've been scuba diving, Matt!"

"You look like you've been scuba diving, Matt!"

This morning was the first time in over two months that I have been to church. I can't quite believe it's been that long. In my defence I have a good reason. I've been struck down with an illness that just wouldn't shift. Three lots of antibiotics later and Matt the Elder is back and feeling seven shades of fine!

I've missed City Church. I really have! I've missed two Elders' meetings and a knee's-up at the pub next door to the church. I must have been ill to have missed a night out - goodness knows I love a social event! 

And while I was feeling miffed that I couldn't shake this illness off along come some friendly and supportive emails from a few of the Elders (and a couple of hilarious Facebook messages from The Minister). These messages really cheered me up and made me realise why I feel so at home at City Church. We care about our church members. I've never been on the receiving end of pastoral care at City Church until now and I can honestly say it was a great comfort. It was also lovely to be in contact with the Elders and The Minister even if that meant not seeing them in person. 

Thank you

So, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Adrian, Shelagh, Alison T and Alison M for the e-thoughts! They were very much appreciated.

If Matt the Elder went scuba diving this would happen!
I would also like to give a shout-out (are the kids still using that phrase?) to Mario for his very funny comment as I walked into church. You see, I cycled in and had come straight from the gym so my rucksack was full to bursting with my gear. As I walked in (late as usual), he commented "You look like you've been scuba diving, Matt!" I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the glass I did look like I was carrying an awful lot of stuff for a morning at church! I've been chuckling at Mario's comment all day. Such a warm and funny welcome!

It's great being back and feeling fit and healthy! I have really missed blogging about the wonderful world of City Church. Expect plenty more blog posts as I keep you up to date with the latest goings-on at City Church!

With best wishes,
Matt the Elder