With apologies to Peter Parker's uncle, it is true that with great eldership comes great responsibility, which means I am now on the official church rota. Duties include reading, welcoming people and being church warden. Of the later, my initial reaction was, "They're trusting me with the church keys?!"
In case the Minister is reading this, it'll be totally cool! I'll have it all under control! What's the worst that can happen to a church warden?!
Back to the reading... I was reading from 2 Kings 2:1-2 and 6-14, however, it wasn't from the Good News (pew) Bible, it was from David Kossoff at 5 to 10. Kossoff was an actor, writer and broadcaster whose collection of Old Testament bible stories were broadcast at 5 to 10 on BBC radio. Kossoff retold familiar bible stories in a distinctively humorous style. I couldn't find the story I read but here's Kossoff reading the story of David.
I didn't read quite like him!
I only saw the reading twenty minutes before I was due to read. Thankfully, two hymns plus Family Time gave me enough time to familiarise myself with the reading. What was funny about being chosen to read this particular message was the link between the bible message and my surname.
As the Minister explained to junior church during Family Time, Elisha is picking up Elijah's mantel and continuing his good work. Using images on the screens, he explained that it's a bit like a relay race where you pass the baton on to another person to continue the next leg of the race. Elijah was passing the baton on to Elisha who would continue Elijah's work as God's prophet.
As I said to the Minister before I started the reading, "I'm sure it was no coincidence, what with my surname, that I was asked to read this passage. A delicious play on words, Minister!"
And my surname is... Batten! It made me laugh, anyway!
Back to the reading... In my eagerness to read I completely pre-empted my cue and was up at the lectern far too early than was needed. Whoops! I also started off reading a bit too fast (adrenaline had kicked in - I do so love an audience) but soon settled into the rhythm and found a steady pace.
If enjoying my church reading experience wasn't enough, the Minister's sermon started with a song! Given the reading, it could only have been Swing Low Sweet Chariot! Everyone looked surprised that instead of the Minister reading the sermon from his ipad, we had a gospel-inspired song to sing along to...and looking around, there were a number of toes-tapping and people singing.
As sung by Etta James - gorgeous!
Today's service reminded me why I love City Church. It's all such good fun. The Minister isn't afraid to try something new to help illustrate a point. I came away thinking about my role as I leave church. Jesus has passed the baton on to me (and all Christians) and it is my responsibility to take up the mantel and continue his good work. I left feeling hugely encouraged and inspired.
So, what do you like about City Church? What do you like about your own church? Do you leave feeling inspired? Please do share your thoughts below.
Until next time.
With best wishes,
Matt the Elder
Ps: Struggling to recall the Elijah-Elisha bible story, well here's a colourful retelling...